Why You Should Do An Industry Research

Why Industry Research Matters?

Many times, promoters of new ventures ignore the trends that are happening in the industry on a global and national scale. They fall so much in love with their business idea, that they get short-sighted and see only the opportunity at hand. This can lead to very sad consequences. Imagine spending millions on a venture that gets disrupted by new technology or a shift in customer preference, and the venture goes out of business. If only the promoter had the common sense, to look up to the industry and see a Tsunami coming, he could have spent that millions of investment, his time, and effort on something that had a better prospect. 

This is applicable to those managing businesses at the moment. Before embarking on major re-investments or expansions, you need to study the future of your industry. If it has disruptions coming up, better shift that investment and effort, to something that has better prospects.

Doing research on your industry is not all about preventing a disaster from happening. It can also be a good means to identify new opportunities.

5 Reasons Why You Should Do An Industry Research

Industry research helps in changing ahead of your competitors.

It is common sense that you need to do things your competitors are not doing to stay ahead of them. Sometimes, these new measures or initiatives may not be things that can be done the next day. Especially if it involves substantial investment into say production, infrastructure or new training and grooming of staff etc.
So if your business is able to find a new disruption on the horizon, and you take the time in advance to invest and be prepared for it. Then when it happens, your business will be ready for it, while your competitors will need months to be in your position. By this time, you can capture their market share.
When consulting new ventures, we at AASC, ensure we do Industry trend studies in our Market Feasibility Studies, to ensure that such opportunities are not missed. Also when providing management consulting services to existing businesses, we do a process called Market Audit, where apart from studying the market, competitors and the customers of the client, we also study the developments in the industry to provide apt advice for the present and future.

Industry research helps in becoming a market leader

To know where the market leads and by acting on the clue, means naturally becoming the pioneer and the market leader. 

Industry research helps in better branding

Becoming a market leader, a pioneer or a thought leader creates a strong brand image among the target customer segments. It also makes the competitors identify your business as an industry leader.

Industry research helps in better understanding customers

Industry trends are usually triggered by customer changes or technological changes. Or industry changes triggered by customer preference changes, triggered by technological changes. Understanding these changes in customer segments or preference, helps in better communication, promotion, advertising, implementing internal changes and host of other important preparations. 

AASC assists businesses in these changes by studying these trends, and analysing its impact on the business and making strategic and tactical recommendations. And assisting your business to implement and manage the implementation of the recommendations.

Industry research helps in the diversification 

Industry research reveals the possible changes that can result from factors affecting the industry from technology, politics, climate, laws and customer preference changes. Every change is an opportunity. It’s about a river changing its course, not drying up. So knowing the industry trends means identifying new opportunities and diversifying into those areas. In certain cases, such opportunities can be beyond the capacity of your business (technological, knowhow, resource or capital constraints). In such cases, the diversification can be to a totally different industry. 

AASC is a Business Strategy & Management Consulting firm that serves Promoters to study, plan and set up new ventures, and Entrepreneurs to manage or grow their business, in a professional manner. 

To know more about AASC services for new ventures, please visit https://aascglobal.com/consulting-for-new-ventures-and-startups/

To know more about AASC services for businesses, please visit https://aascglobal.com/consulting-for-business-growth-and-expansion/

Call: +91-7558-900-800 or email info@aascglobal.com

Is Management Consulting really worth it? Does engaging Management Consultants really help improve a business?

Let me explain with an example, with an Apple.

Suppose I ask a group of people to draw a beautiful apple. And I place an apple before them.

Will the drawing of each person be the same?
Will it all look exactly like the real apple?

No, is the answer. Even if the apple is perfectly beautiful, the drawing capacity of the people makes it beautiful or ugly on their canvas.

Similarly, when appointed by a business to provide consulting, management consultants study the business and show the perfect method the business should follow (the apple), but it is the leadership (or drawing skills) of the Entreprenuer that determines what percentage of desired outcome is accomplished.

So is that the only role that consultant plays. No, depending on the capacity of the consultant they can more helpful.

To begin with, in real world the entrepreneur might not know what he really wants. There is so much noise by information that clarity of thought is normally lost. So as per our example, when the entrepreneur really needs an apple, he is looking at an orange or a watermelon. It’s the role of consultant to show him and make him focus on the apple.

Secondly, not all consultants are capable and perfect, like with any profession. So the quality of their advice depends on their capability. As per our example, it’s the difference between a consultant showing a fresh beautiful apple or a rotten apple. Both are apples, but one is relevant and the other is not.

Third, the right consultant is a guide, who will not only show you the right apple to draw but also helps you learn how to draw. The faster you learn to draw, the better, your drawing would be. In business it means, not just showing you what you should be doing, but also evaluating your performance and teaching you what you should do and when.

So for 100% result in transforming businesses, a good capable consultant and a good fast learning entrepreneur is essential.

That 100% will come down, depending on lowering the quality of the entrepreneur and the quality of the consultant.

Hope it was simple.

Do you agree or not? Share your thought.

To know more about how AASC can help you improve your business or prepare a feasibility study & strategy plan for your new ventures, please visit aascglobal.com